03/13@pm7:30 義肢大象 The Eyes of Thailand
@pm7:30 at HO覓藝文實驗研究所
65 分鐘
Nominee for the 2012 Discovery People & Nature Award
Motala以及Mosha是兩隻誤踩地雷而受傷的大象,雖然牠們裝上了義肢,但復健之路仍然辛苦。The Eyes of Thailand是一位女性為受傷的大象犧牲和努力的真實故事,她幫助大象訂做義肢、陪伴牠們復健,獨自為大象的生存奮鬥。在危機四伏的環境中,她的付出改變了世界,她的堅持鼓舞了無數人,也讓這部影片撼動人心。
The Eyes of Thailand’ is the inspirational and powerful story of one woman’s quest to help two elephant landmine survivors – Motala and Baby Mosha – walk on their own four legs. Treating their wounds was only part of the journey; building elephant-sized prostheses was another. ‘The Eyes of Thailand’ is a true story of sacrifice and perseverance that shows how far one woman will go to save an endangered species from threats above and below the surface.
這是 Molata。
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