




台灣大學建築與城鄉所博士,現為高師大跨藝所專任助理教授,台北藝術大學藝跨所兼任教授,南藝大建築藝術研究所兼任教授、破報總編輯。1997年擔任反對市政府推土機─14、15號公園反拆遷運動總召,並拍攝「我們家在康樂里」紀錄片。參與多項社會運動,包含2005年香港的反WTO部長級會議、04-05樂生以及03年的反戰運動等。自1994年創立破報並擔任《破報》總編輯至今,《破報》為全台灣唯一一份另類文化刊物,也是最具有社會關懷與全球視野的媒體。2004年創立台灣部落格(twblog.net),曾為全台灣最具有影響力的部落格媒體,同年並創立台灣獨立媒體中心(tw.indymedia.org)成為全球120個城市的全球獨立媒體中心網絡之一。近年開始從事策展與藝術創作等工作,在高雄成立「搗蛋藝術基地」,並參與如深圳香港城市/建築雙年展(07)以及策劃《寶藏巖GAPP》(03-4),《跨域雙城展》,《覹空間》、高美館的《創作論壇─侯淑姿個展 ─ 望向彼方亞洲新娘之歌》、高雄勞工博物館《跨國候鳥在台灣》等。著有《綠色推土機》,譯有《自己幹文化-英國九零年代的派對與革命》,編著多本著作。其為橫跨建築、媒體、社會運動與藝術的藝行者(artivist)。

PhD. of Engineering, Graduate Institute of Building and Planning , National Taiwan University. Dr. Huang is currently full-time Assistant Professor of Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Art, National Kaohsiung Normal University as well as part-time professor of Graduate Institute of Trans-disciplinary Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts and Graduate institute of Architecture Art, Tainan Art University . He is also editor-in-chief of Pots Weekly.

Dr. Huang established Pots Weekly in 1994 and serves as its editor-in-chief, That is the only publication that addresses alternative cultures in Taiwan, and is unequaled among the media for its concern for the society and global perspectives. He also initiated twblog.net in 2004, which was once the most influential blogging site in Taiwan; in the same year, tw.indymedia.org was also established and became a member of the Independent Media Center network spanning across 120 cities around the world.

In recent years, Dr. Huang has begun engaging in curatorship and artistic creation, such as participating in “2007 Shenzhen & Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture,” organizing “Treasure Hill GAPP (Global Artivist Participation Plan)” in 2003 and 2004, “Cross-disciplinary in Two Cities Exhibition,” and “Lulu Shur-tzy Hou Solo Exhibition—Look toward the other side-Song of Asian Foreign Brides in Taiwan” in Kaohsiung Museum of Arts. Book entitled ” Green Bulldozer- the 90’s green estate and institutionalized landscape in Taipei” is extraordinary one explored state-capital developmental block that transform Taipei into a so-called modern city. Translated book ” DIY- Party and Protest in 90’s Britain” which covered new-age social movement and subculture trends in Eruo since 90′. He is an artivist across architecture, media, social movements, and arts.

